"Black market" is a term that is used quite commonly in the virtual money market in Vietnam, it is a form of direct trading between buyers and sellers or through intermediaries.
Risk of Scam when buying and selling mua ban btc tu dong T-rex Bitcoin on the black market: There have been many newcomers learning about Bitcoin and how to trade Bitcoin have been tricked into losing money when trading at black markets, especially the form of buying Bitcoin online, which not meet in person. A simple form of scam is that you choose an untrusted buyer / seller, when you send money to them but they do not send Bitcoin back to you, or buy and sell through an intermediary, but the intermediary "steals" both. The seller's BTC and the buyer's money ran away, so both buyers and sellers were deceived. That is the reason why when trading on the black market you must choose a reputable, guaranteed person.
When logged in to your account, you can enable OTP - One time password.
Ramitano develops both applications for convenient phones, currently you can use it on two mua ban btc tu dong T-rex mobile platforms, Iphone and Android.